7 Things You Didn't Know About Organic Foods

At the core of organic farming is caring for nature so that nature can protect us. If you ask people why they love organic foods, you will find many reasons - from no genetically modified ingredients or artificial additives to fewer pesticides. Some may say they prefer organic because it is always free-growing and fewer antibiotics are used; others believe that organic food tastes better.

However, there are still many things most people are unfamiliar with concerning organic foods. We cover some below.

Things you didn't know about organic foods

We all love to eat and drink fresh organic produce, but how much do we actually know about organic production? Although it is no longer a novelty and has been talked about a lot in the last ten years, the information circulating on the Internet is often inaccurate or represents some semi-truths with no scientific backing.

Unfortunately, this only contributes to even more consumer confusion. To help you get the correct info, we bring you a list of things you may not have known about organic food.

Organically grown processed food is still processed food

If a food item comes from a box and is marked organic, it merely indicates it was minimally processed - without artificial chemicals, preservatives, or irradiation. Nonetheless, it may not be better for you nutritionally!

Organic does not imply that it is entirely nutrient-dense or has no added sugar, salt, or processed flour. It just signifies fewer chemicals in its manufacture. It doesn't always mean fewer calories, less fat, less sodium, more protein, or that it's 100 percent whole-grain and unprocessed. However, it does imply that there are rules about the quality of the components included on the nutrition label.

Organic foods, even processed ones like crackers and mac and cheese, include fewer preservatives, thickeners, artificial flavors and colors, artificial sweeteners, and refined flours than non-organic versions.

If chicken nuggets are branded 'organic', they must not have been treated with growth hormones or antibiotics. While this is especially essential for younger children, who have a more significant risk of being impacted by very low amounts of pesticides, it is also crucial for older children and adults since pesticide exposure is cumulative.

Organic foods enhance antioxidants

Moving to an organic diet can enhance antioxidants in a person's diet by 20-40%. That's the equivalent of eating two more servings of fruits and veggies each day! In addition, some organic foods help activate your metabolism, the powerhouse that keeps your body going and keeps you healthy.

Plants cultivated organically create more nutritional chemicals to protect themselves from pests and disease. Consuming them boosts their nutritional worth.

Synthetic chemicals are employed in traditional agriculture to reduce the need for plants to develop these natural defensive mechanisms, lowering their nutritional value. Why deprive plants of their superpowers?

Organic production is regulated by law

Organic food is grown according to the standards of organic production. It entails avoiding pesticides and fertilizers when it comes to cereals, fruits, and vegetables; and no use of antibiotics or hormones in the breeding of animals.

The law regulates organic production. Food producers must obtain special certificates to be able to market their products as organic at all. From a legal point of view, organic food is produced under conditions that comply with standards prescribed at the national or international level.

The essence of the legal regulations is to get quality healthy foods following biological processes within the natural conditions for development. Each segment of organic production is strictly regulated by law to maintain the harmony of production processes and natural conditions.

Organic farms help protect the wildlife

Benefits may be seen on organic farms, too. A primary motivation for farmers is ensuring the well-being of all species in the environment, including wildlife habitats such as river banks, ponds, grasslands, and hedges.

Riverbanks provide excellent conditions for ground-nesting birds and a habitat for insects such as spiders and beetles. When winter comes, these predators go to the stream or river to overwinter, after which they migrate to fields in the spring to prey on crop pests.

Hedges are a safe refuge for many species, including birds, insects, and small mammals. They are generally bigger and more diverse on organic farms, and farmers do not cut them between March and August to allow wildlife to thrive during the breeding season.

How does this help?

The holistic approach enables the farm to integrate with the surrounding natural world, making it a refuge for animals. Studies have shown that they have more wildlife and a greater variety of species.

The life of plants, insects, and birds is on average 50% more abundant on organic farms, with about 30% more species and a larger population of bumblebees, partly due to the higher number of flowers.

This is great news for wildlife confronted with several threats: loss of natural habitat being only one of them. It makes organic food and farming an excellent choice for nature lovers who want to contribute to the planet. When choosing organic food, you are choosing food that has been produced to the highest standards - keeping in mind wildlife and nature.

Organic food can aid in the preservation of the environment

Not only does organic farming help the wildlife, but it also offers a much-needed relief the environment is literally burning for. In these times of climate crisis, we need to find every possible way to aid Mother Nature and save our planet.

Traditional agriculture continues to dominate the food business, causing significant environmental and land harm. Organic farming, on the other hand, is highly sustainable! It eliminates CO2 from the environment and preserves soil fertility without the use of hazardous chemicals.

Several advantages to choosing organic farming over conventional farming include reducing carbon emissions by 50%, using less energy due to the lack of machinery, and decreasing pollution levels by 50%. Organic agriculture is beneficial not just to the planet, but also to human health.

Organic food is the way to avoid chemicals linked to cancer

Chemicals found in conventional foods represent a risk factor for developing cancer. However, reducing your intake is a method to minimize the risk. If you are concerned about the rising use of glyphosate (and other herbicides) on conventional food crops, buy organic wherever possible. Busy and stressful lifestyles demand healthy and delicious solutions at the same time.

Glyphosate, as well as other hazardous synthetic pesticides, are strictly forbidden in organic farming. Furthermore, the usage of glyphosate and other harmful pesticides is largely to blame for the fast-falling world bee population. Bees, of course, pollinate about one-third of all agriculturally cultivated food in the globe.

Organic food can decrease pesticides in your body in as little as 7 days

Glyphosate usage has become so prevalent that it is almost omnipresent in our food chain and environment. The most frequent source of glyphosate exposure is from the food we eat.

However, there is some positive news regarding our bodies' capacity to remove this dangerous chemical pesticide. According to new research, moving from a conventional to an organic diet will lower glyphosate levels in your body by 70% in as little as 7 days.

Organic food tastes better

Taste is a pretty individual category, right? You could say that, but there are tests which could show you that organic does in fact win!

You can try industrial ketchup and then, next time, buy organic. The difference in taste is significant because industrial ketchup contains more sugar and is sweeter, while organic has a natural tomato taste without the sweeteners.

If this example didn't suffice, you could try the following as well - buy industrial and organic apple juice. Pour them into two glasses and inspect the structure well. If you remember what freshly squeezed juice from this popular fruit looks like, you probably also remember its mushy structure, obtained by squeezing without additional processing.

In conclusion

Organic food is healthier, more nutritious, supports local farmers, and is better for the environment overall. In reality, eating organic foods is one of the easiest and most efficient methods to assist the environment and reduce your carbon footprint. Even an organic juice a day can have an amazing effect on your body.

The trick is to carefully read the labels, ensure that the product is genuinely organic, and purchase local items from local farmers' markets. Remember that the 'organic' label is not a guarantee of quality, so do your homework before purchasing. A simple method to achieve this is to look into what farmers in your region are offering; by getting to know them, you can ensure it is organic.

Organic food is a great way to promote sustainable farming while also lowering your carbon footprint. Remember that it is not about the money, but about making a deliberate decision to assist the environment and the world.

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